Live inspired.
Live intentionally.

 What is
all about?

No, we are not talking about body size (up, down, or side-to-side), we are actually talking about the delicious and nutritious life-giving good fats that we can all eat. We find the GoodFat Life by prioritizing our bodies, and our attitudes will follow.


Our lifestyle magazine is meant to inspire and encourage. Released quarterly our magazine touches on all of the major eight - Social, Space, Emotional, Financial, Work, Spiritual, Personal, & Physical.

Get inspired! Learn about life from those who are living it on the Inspired Good Fat Life podcast. Every week there is a new guest with a new, messy but wonderful life story to share. Available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube!

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Get a taste of an article in this quarter’s issue!

A Feast of Cultures in Bloom

by Dr. Lucas Root

The spring air warms and the world bursts into color. Poems, art, fill our minds as we wander through the springtime brilliance. Robert Frost’s Nature’s First Green is Gold echoes in my mind. Bird songs fill the air, alongside the scents of the first spring flowers starting to open.

It’s glorious.

Groundhog day is behind us, and Memorial Day is just ahead. The spring, and the transition, opens us up to the possibilities of transformation; internal, and external. We typify this with Spring Cleaning. But there are so many more symbols and stories of the transition from Spring to Summer in most all traditions. Beltane (Celtic), Walpurgis (Germanic), Midsummer (Scandinavia)... And the Maypole.

The Maypole stands at the heart of our thoughts as we’re exploring this meal, this celebration, this transition. The Maypole is a symbol of unity and renewal. This year, our Maypole feast ignites a different kind of fire—the warmth of communal feasting under the open sky. Here, we embrace the diversity of America’s culinary heritage, gathering around the feast to share stories, laughter, and dishes that tell the stories of our melting pot of Cultural Heritage here in the US.

Welcome to a Maypole celebration re-imagined, where the feast’s promise illuminates the faces and food alike, inviting us all to partake in the joy of the season, together.

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